What do cars, cigars and grocery carts all have in common? No guesses? How about the fact that each represents a source of stress in the lives of everyday, ordinary people. Let me explain.
I recently asked about 20 of my friends and family to each send me five of their top pet peeves. You know, the little things that just drive you crazy! Some provided more than 5, while others offered one or two whoppers - the likes of which I can't post here, that's for sure. When I met the challenge myself I found it only took seconds to come up with ten really good ones. What can be deduced from that - I don't know - maybe it's simply that it proves that there really are many annoying, nit-picky inconveniences in life and everyone experiences them. Anyway, my unscientific and random survey was kinda like talking over the back fence to a neighbor, but what the heck, it was fun to read what everyone had to say. So, here are the responses in no particular order. You'll probably recognize many of them as your pet peeves too.
1. Delivery trucks/buses that block the driving lane instead of pulling up to the curb.
2. People who cruise the left hand lane of the highway.
3. People who pass on the right.
4. People who litter.
5. People who let their dogs poop on other people's property or public places and don't pick it up.
6. People who don't correct their child when he/she is kicking the back of your seat.
7. People who smoke cigars.
8. People who lie.
9. People who talk on their cell phones when driving.
10. CD/DVD packaging.
11. People who exceed the 10 item or less rule at the grocery store.
12. Price stickers that can't be removed easily and leave a messy glob.
13. Non-existent customer service - in store or on the phone.
14. People who use other peoples handicap hang tags and park in handicapped spaces.
15. People who use cell phones in public places with no regard for those around them.
16. People who park sideways in parking places so their precious cars don't get dinged.
17. People who tailgate.
18. Telemarketers.
19. Computers - sometimes.
20. Being the next in line at the post office only to have the worker leave his/her station.
21. People who talk with food in their mouth.
22. People who continuously stir their coffee and then slurp it too.
23. E-mails that say "You're special" only to realize it's been sent to 25 people.
24. People who don't flush the toilet in public restrooms.
25. Inconsistency in women's clothing sizes. Why isn't a size 12 a size 12 all the time?
26. People who bring young children to fine dinning restaurants after 7:00 pm.
27. People who wait to begin writing their check until after their order is completely rung up.
28. Smokers who drop their cigarettes on the ground or toss them out the car window.
29. Aggressive drivers.
30. Men who wear hats at restaurants or when the Star Spangled Banner is being sung.
31. Women who wear too much perfume and men who wear too much after shave.
32. People who don't return their grocery cart to the corral or the front of the store.
33. People who don't rinse the toothpaste out of the sink.
34. Skinny people who talk about how fat they are or how terrible they look.
35. Those annoying little subscription cards that fall out of magazines.
36. People who don't use turn signals.
37. People that wear ill-fitting clothes.
38. Barking dogs.
39. People who don't hold the door open for you when they know you're right behind them.
40. People who are consistently late.
Well, I must admit, forty is a lot of things to be annoyed about. But, I must also admit, I can relate to almost all of them. How about you?
8 years ago